Glaucoma Major causes: - Abnormal pressure inside the eyes - Secondary glaucoma complication of tumor, diabetes, hypothyroidism, an advanced cataract, or inflammation - Aging factor - Previous eye injury, inflammation or surgery - Myopia (n
Major causes:
- Abnormal pressure inside the eyes
- Secondary glaucoma – complication of tumor, diabetes, hypothyroidism, an advanced cataract, or inflammation
- Aging factor
- Previous eye injury, inflammation or surgery
- Myopia (nearsightedness)
- Prolonged using corticosteroids eye drop product
Signs and Symptoms:
- Open-angle glaucoma - peripheral vision is gradually decreases
- Angle closure glaucoma - painful
- Blurred vision and redness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Seeing halo
- Measure eye pressure
- Inspect eye’s drainage angle
- Examine eye optic nerve for damage
- Test eyes peripheral (side) vision
- Optic nerve photography
- Measure the thickness of eye cornea
- Suprachoroidal hemorrhage
- Endophthalmitis
- High intraocular pressure will damage the optic nerve. The vision loss caused by glaucoma cannot be recovered
- Annual eye examination
- Know your family eye healthy history
- Exercise safely
- Wear eye protections
- Eyedrops
- Oral medications
- Laser surgery
- Microsurgery etc.