Cataract Major causes: - Aging factor - Diabetes - High blood pressure - Excessive sun exposure - Smoke or Alcoholics - Previous eye injury, inflammation or surgery - Long termuse of corticosteroid medications Signs and Symptoms: - Vision c
Major causes:
- Aging factor
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Excessive sun exposure
- Smoke or Alcoholics
- Previous eye injury, inflammation or surgery
- Long term use of corticosteroid medications
Signs and Symptoms:
- Vision could be dim, cloudy, filmy and blurry
- Decline, yellowing or brownish of colors
- Sensitive to light and glare
- Difficult to see or drive at night
- Might need a brighter light for reading and other activities
- Double vision in a single eye
- vision test
- Slit-lamp examination
- Retinal exam
- Posterior capsule opacity (PCO)
- Intraocular lens dislocation
- Eye inflammation
- Light sensitivity
- Photopsia (perceived flashes of light)
- Macular edema (swelling of the central retina)
- Ptosis (droopy eyelid)
- Ocular hypertension (elevated eye pressure)
- Having regular eye examinations
- Avoid smoking or drinking
- Lutein supplements
- Zeaxanthin supplements
- Wear sunglasses and a hat under the sun
When to consider cataract surgery?
Most doctors suggest considering cataract surgery when cataracts begin to affect the quality of life or interfere with the ability to perform normal daily activities. If you choose not to undergo the cataract surgery at this moments, a periodical follow up is necessary.